domingo, 29 de noviembre de 2015
behind the scenes
This pictures where taken while I was trying to capture the perfect picture, I had some difficulties trying to capture the moment when the turtles come out. It took a while to take the pictures.
lunes, 23 de noviembre de 2015
Manipulating picture
This picture was edited with 3 different filters: black and white, light and contrast and exposition, I also add a little blur on the white parts to focus on the dog.
Final project: Natural animal care
For my final project I choose this picture
to represent the animal care and conservation and I add some light effects and
shadows to give more impact to the picture, I decided not to manipulate too
much because I wanted the picture to show the moment.
National Geographic Magazine
I have always loved this picture, I know a little about the story about this girl and about the photographer who took it. It is amazing how much impact gives us this picturespecially with the eyes of the girl. I think it is one of the best pictures of this magazine.
jueves, 12 de noviembre de 2015
Creative work
Sea Turtles in Danger of Extintion
My final project is about the animals that are in danger of extintion and one of those are the sea turtles which are affected by fisheries, especially longlines, gill nets, and trawls and this is why in my project I try to show the emotions of these animals by showing to the people that animals have feelings and want to share a life with us, so why don't we share a live with them?.
martes, 10 de noviembre de 2015
Dorothea Lange
This picture shows a lot of different feelings without saying anything. the face of the women shows sadness and in inconformability or deception. the author of this picture has a lot of emotions on her pictures and the effect of black and white gives more contrast to it.
miércoles, 4 de noviembre de 2015
David La Chapalle
I think this photographer uses a lot of colors and lights in his pictures. It was interesnting the way he tried to interpretate water with a glass.
I decided Gustavo Castro because I liked the lights in the face that he used in this picture and I tried to do something similar in the face by using just one ligth.
jueves, 29 de octubre de 2015
Manuel Alvarez Bravo
I liked this picture because of the action that we can see with this person how seems to be looking for something or grabbing something, the photographer capture the very exactly moment and that makes it valuable.
I'm standing for...
This picture represents the day of the death by showing an expression of a person with his face of a skeleton. The picture was taken with one light which was modeling light in the front of the face to give more mystery in the scenery.
miércoles, 21 de octubre de 2015
Cartier Bresso
I loved this picture because of the composition and the action of the man, It makes us feel like if the man is doing a very strong action with his hands and arms and that is what makes the picture interesting.
martes, 20 de octubre de 2015
Low light photographs
I took this pictures with low ligth and tried to capture the color of the breaking dawn and the sunset and that gave me two different colors.
jueves, 15 de octubre de 2015
Ansel Adams
I can see
that almost all of his pictures are landscapes and in black and white and that
makes it more interesting and with a deeper view. I chose this picture because even
though it’s a nice view, it is really interesting to see how the river, the
mountains and the clouds connect to each other. I think the picture have really
good elements.
miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2015
Once upon a time
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Once upon a time there was a town so quiet
and so calm, the people that live there were always sad and with tears in their
eyes because the weather was always cloudy and rainy and they had never see the
sun, even the animals seem to be sad all the time.
The Photographic styles I used were
Landscape and street photography which I prefer to put them on black and white
so that they could have more mystery.
jueves, 8 de octubre de 2015
Joey Lawrence
Vijay Nund performing morning rituals in the Ganges
River, the most sacred river in Hinduism. Varanasi, India ("Holy Men" Personal Series).
I liked the luminosity of the picture
and how it captures the moment when the man is holding the water in his hands.
The person I love most
The person I love most is my beautiful
She is always by my side in the good and bad days, that’s why I decided
to make a little story of her by showing this different types of pictures of
her. First of all, the photos show a different personality of her; the first
one means that she is a mysterious person so in the photo I tried to focus only
on her by giving little light.
The second talks about her being a joyful
person, she made a little smile and I put all the light on her back so that she
could look like an angel. She is also a really outgoing person so in the third
picture there is a more open and intense light and her position is more free
and confident.
For the last two pictures I add some
artificial lights on her face and let her decided her own style.
miércoles, 30 de septiembre de 2015
Sun light
This picture was taken during class while we were shooting the sunlight so we took advantage of it and shoot the picture.
benjamin von wong
I really loved this picture of the autor benjamin von wong because it shows a lot of movement and noise. he must have had really low shutterspeed to shot that picture. He also shows a lot of intense colors like the red that the lady has in her dress which is really light and contrast a lot with the dark colors of the boy and the background.
martes, 29 de septiembre de 2015
Girl with a Pearl Earring
Girl with a Pearl Earring is an oil
painting by 17th-century Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer. It is a tronie of a
girl with a headscarf and a pearl earring. The painting has been in the
collection of the Mauritshuis in The Hague since 1902.
I chose this pianting to make it realistic with the camera, i decided to get rid of the lights by just letting capture only one in the face and to give the sensation that the painting is real.
miércoles, 23 de septiembre de 2015
Brooke Shaden
This picture show us a a lot of interest things like peace and beauty at the same time, it has really good shadows and that makes it feel deeper than it appears. also her position seem to be difficult to capture.
Independence day
I tried to express tree things with this picture:
1. with the clear sky i'm expressing the liberty and freedom that our country had thanks to the people that make it possible 200 years ago.
2. with the tree i wanted to express the nature that we have in our country and that we should be proud of it.
3. with the flag to show the beautiful colors of our country.
Calvino Story
The Enchanted Garden
Because the story is about two kids that found a mystery, enchanted and beautiful place, I try to show in my pictures feelings of beauty and a little of fantasy by making the with a lot of color, contrast and lights.
miércoles, 9 de septiembre de 2015
Rolling Stone magazine
I chose this picture it shows the sensation of beauty, I think they used a really close focal length and a lot of Illumination and that is one of the things i wish to learn in my class of photography.
Who I am
The pictures I decided to take describe who I really am. In the first picture I tried to express my love for nature and that is why I decided to take a picture of a very small flower were we can see it's beauty when we never do. The second picture was taken in one of my favorite places here in Guadalajara and I am taking about iteso. I love that picture because of the depth of the trees and the lights that cross them.
The last three pictures talk more about what I like and who I am. Taking pictures one of things that I like to do the most. I decided to take pictures of my dogs and my family because those are things that i'm really relative with.
miércoles, 2 de septiembre de 2015
Life Magazine
My world
I had difficulties with the show motion because the camera was very sensitive with the moves and also it was hard to keep calm the dogs to take my pictures. I also had trouble with the lights, in some pictures it was lighter than in others.
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